Thank You for joining us!-we’re excited to have you join one of the premier option groups out there today. We wanted to briefly give you an overview of how everything works and what you should expect…
First, some housekeeping… Please go to your dashboard and complete your profile so that the community can get to know you better. Be sure to introduce yourself in chat as well!
How the community works
- You’ll receive push notifications via OP App accompanied by an email for all alerts.
OP Alerts should be managed according to some very basic rules: - Alerts are real-time. Don’t assume if there is an alert from two days ago that it is still valid. Due diligence is important.
- Never hold a position for more than 10% loss (unless your due diligence shows a double bottom is near or major line that makes sense seeing a play to fruition)
- Always capture 15-30% (20% optimal). Gains when possible (unless you are running hard at the moment of truth). We often place trailing stops once 20% is achieved.-Always trade with the same $ position per play (that way if you are successful 50% of the time according to the first two rules, you are still a winner)-We generally put only 10% of our discretionary trading account for alert plays. Very important for longevity! This is the formula we use to stack gains.
- All alerts are also emailed to you as they are push notified.
- Any results on the site are provided for general informational purposes, as a convenience to our members.
- The materials are not a substitute for obtaining professional advice from a qualified person, firm or corporation. You may cancel any time you choose. Upon cancelling, all service is terminated as well as any future billing. Do not cancel unless you want to stop the service!
- In addition to push notifications, the staff of OP regularly posts potential trade ideas in chat. We also post quarterly watchlists. All of these plays are a huge hit and have performed really well in the past. However – you must perform your own due diligence as trading in general is VERY risky. If you have any questions regarding trading you should always consult your investment advisor prior to entering a trade.
There are many types of traders in OP; you will notice that they fall into two camps: day traders and swing traders. Members with stars next to their profile are verified successful traders with years of experience or validated to have account sizes over $1 million. Some are day traders; some are swing traders. Do not blindly follow other members, even if they have stars. You need to understand if the idea posted is a day trade or a swing trade and have a trading plan.
The staff of OP only trades opportunities that have solid trade plans. A plan always has a price target for the underlying, a time target, a definition of where we are wrong, and an exit plan (win or lose).
You will see that members that follow these rules accumulate gains with consistency, so plan your trade and trade your plan the OP way!
My “Rules” I Trade By (Stack Gains)
- Never put more than 20% of your available trading funds in one particular play.
- Follow the 10% mental stop loss rule or whatever your pre-trade plan is for your position with no exceptions (unless your plan includes a smaller entry with potential average down-secondary support close by)
- If we gap down (past 10%) on a alert play and you recover to your entry later on EXIT upon even and re-evaluate.
- Take 20% gains as they come. If running then use a trailing stop.
- Treat your positions as your troops in a war- you can’t take too many casualties if you plan to be successful over time. Losses are reality so mitigate them as best as possible so you can fight another battle later (and win).
- Scalping- when entering a scalp that is moving in the desired direction but doesn’t hit exit goal then you must sell on retrace at your entry to preserve capital – even if it’s your last trade
- Keep some dry powder for unexpected opportunities.
- $$ Let the numbers and system do all the work! You should never be stressed about one particular play if you follow these suggestions. We win many more plays than we lose and our losses are smaller than our wins!
Please take your time to familiarize yourself with all portions of the site. The chat is where you’ll find most of our members congregating and is a wealth of information. Daily, you’ll find strategies, plans/discussions, and comradery from our most senior members. If you have any questions or comments on your journey, please message me @steve or send me an email at
Mobile App
If you signed up through our web portal, please visit the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store to download our mobile companion app. It is a great tool to have with you while you are on the go.
Alerts and Notifications
OP Alerts can be viewed here are sent via Push Notifications AND email same time, so you will get our info immediately as it is sent.

OP Wire is our premarket news and trade plan for the day, and it will be posted here daily – 90 mins or so before the market opens.

With your membership and associate through OptionsPlayers, you can take advantage of a special E-Trade offer that gets you .25 transaction fees. To take advantage of the offer, perform the following.
- Create a new account using this link
- Fund the new account with $2,000 or more
- Complete the form here to request that your account be activated with the discount.
The OP Community has a growing library of courses and self-paced training material to take advantage of. Visit our courses library to see what we have to offer.
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