• So now that I’m into my second month, I’m going to start playing a larger position size. For Tuesday I had another timeframe conflict – the larger timeframe had Puts, the smaller timeframe was Calls. With GG being all Calls, I decided to play a 1/2 position and go with Calls.

    • Small loss. If I would have waited another 5 minutes I could have had an 8% win. But not enough overnight movement for either calls or puts to really pay. So this mixed signal played out better than the last one.

    • Profile photo of Tedh98

      Tedh98 posted an update 2 years ago

      2 years ago (edited)

      Was driving to Alabama Friday afternoon and pulled over right before close. Wasn’t going to take a trade over the 3 day weekend but the 20UTD signal has done well.

    • 2nd loss so far, also on a Friday. At least the options are cheap so the dollar loss isn’t that much. Yesterday there were two conflicting signals. The larger timeframe was Calls and the shorter timeframe was Puts. I went with the Calls . . .

    • Profile photo of Tedh98

      Tedh98 posted an update 2 years ago

      2 years ago (edited)

      Finished August in good shape. I missed a few put plays and wasn’t focusing on the few call plays that I could have taken advantage of. September is off to a good start.

    • First loss on SAK-FXI today. A big percentage due to it being Friday, but the dollar loss not that bad.

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